Student Missions

Student Missions
Faith and Resilience In the Face of Loss
Thank you, GMM Missionaries!
Planted by the Water
Yap Was Always God's First Choice
Let Go and Let God
Brothers Serving Together on Kosrae
A Life Changed by Student Missions
What Am I Doing Here?
No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper
Small Islands Give the Most
God is Way Bigger Than You Think
Why Ebeye?
Love Found in Missions
Road Blocks Led to Kosrae
The Love Waiting on the Other Side
Mission Accomplished
Journey to Yap
God Works Miracles Amidst the Pandemic
A Smile is a Living Testimony
Trust the Captain of the Boat
Five Months in Paradise
The World of Service
My Missionary Journey
Learning from a Distance
Starting School in 2020: COVID-Style
Being a Missionary is Not for an Island Girl
Spared to Serve
Island Hopping: First Class
What I Learned From First Graders
Student Missionaries Serve in Paradise
Getting Dengue Fever in Ebeye
Needing a Wheelchair in the Mission Field
Game of Baptisms and Seeking the Throne of God
Two Student Missionary Years in Pohnpei
Miracle on Day 1
Palau Won't Let Me Go
To Palau with No Passport